Monday, December 15, 2008

Natasha is insanely.... in love?!?!

Very troubling title, don't you think?

Relax, I'm not REALLY in love.... I don't think. Especially since I've only really started talking to him today. I guess I could kinda tell you what's going on... with my 'love' (enphases on the quotations) life.

You see, I meet a lot of friends on Patrick's profile. Fall Out Boy fans (especially Patrick Stump fans) get along together really well. So, I've made some good friends. And there's this guy... the only guy in the whole group of friends I've made. I'm not gonna use real names, so I guess I'll call him.... FOD (Fall Out Dude).

FOD is.... he's cool. Okay, he's awesome. I saw him on Patrick's wall (after seeing a video he made) and I decided to add him. He accepted and everything was cool.

One day, I was extremely pissed off at fucktards on YouTube that keep saying stupid things about FOB, so I wrote this as my facebook status: If you have ever said anything bad about FOB to a FOB fan, please take a sticker labled 'Dumbass' and stick it to your forehead.

And he commented and said, "Agreed".

Enough about that... let's talk about today. So, I commented on Patrick's status and FOD commented on it too. And we did that back and forth for a while, and then he just started talking to me through FB chat. And we talked a little and then he asked me if I had MSN (I guess his FB chat was messed up). I told him that I had a Yahoo Messenger and then he asked if he could add me. Of course, I said yes.

Now we're talking on YM. We talked about Fall Out Boy, and how Patrick was a great man (though he made it clear that he wasn't gay, lol). And then I found out that he was in a band called Toxic Muffins (odd name, but it works). And apparently he sings really good. Plus, I've heard him play guitar. He's good.

Then things got a little... flirty, I guess. He said that some people say that he looks somewhat like Patrick (though he really doesn't all that much). And I said that his lips were kinda like Patrick's. He's like, "So... you say I have lips like Patrick? :P"

I told him that he did and he's like, "His lips... are so... juicy."

He was joking around, and it did make me laugh.

And we talked some more about FOB...

And here's the last few words we said before he went went to bed:

FOD: I think im gonna go to bed now... goodnight

Me: Okay, good night. Dream of FOB, lol.

FOD: OMFG. Time to do homework.. >_>

FOD: Then maybe I will dream of FOB

FOD: Meeting them would be nice.

Me: Yes, and you will dream of kissing Patrick... oh, wait, that's me.

Me: But it could be you too. (A/N: And I totally meant him and Patrick.)

FOD: Lol...

FOD: Wait.. are you saying me kissing patrick or me kissing you? Lmao

FOD: Im confused

Me: Hmmm... both.

FOD: Lol ok

FOD: I will talk to you tomorrow I guess.

FOD: Night.

Me: Night.

Wow, do you not sense flirtatiousness (If you don't, lie to me and say you do)? He's just so.... nice. And he loves FOB just as much as I do. Plus, I went to his YouTube account, and he's apparently a computer nerd (hey, I'm one of those!). He's like perfect (besides Patrick, of course. Patrick will always be number one). And he's my age! What could be more perfect? Just simply wonderful....

Oh, did I mention that he lives in Canada?

Yeah, I suppose that something like that could be a big problem... but there are people out there who got hooked up by the internet. I read this one article in a magazine about a girl meeting her husband on Myspace. And I guess they lived far away from each other. So, why can't this work? I mean, we're at least neighboring countries.... oh, who am I kidding? The chances of getting with him are like the chances of me getting Patrick. Near to impossible.

I guess I shouldn't think about it, but I know that's all I'll think about tonight in bed. Speaking of bed.... it's speaking to me. And it's saying "Natasha, get your ass in bed and get some sleep!"

I better go do what it says... bye everyone.

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