Friday, December 19, 2008

All smiles today!

I talked to FOD again. I've talked to him a few times actually. Everyday. :)

He is so.... amazing. I feel wonderful just talking to him. And there is definitely some flirting going on.

Haha, I'm not gonna go into great detail, but here's a little review....

Well, I know I've mentioned his video on YouTube. Well, he told me that there were people calling him gay (which is stupid). So, I went on there and basically said, "You guys are just jealous and he has lots of talent". Only with a lot more profanity. XD

And we've talked about our lives at school and such.

Yesterday, one of the guys that commented on his video, commented on his channel. He said, "How am I gay, you like FOB". Only in caveman language (yes, I translated for you). So he told me, and I went on the guys profile and called him an asshole and all that. Lol, I told him that FOB is f**king awesome and he needs to pull his head out of his ass to see that. Yeah, I'm mean. But only to the people who deserve it. I'm very protective of the people I care about.

But then the guy wrote on my channel "You're friend is gay and if he wants to start stuff with me, why doesn't he do it himself?" Or something like that. Yeah, FOD told me this which means he went onto my channel to look at it. ^___^ Which means he's been thinking about me. :D

And then for fun, reported the guy's background and profile picture. Then I went ahead and flagged a couple of his videos. And FOD was like, "You're a bad ass.... but I like it." Heehee, I am a bad ass.

After that, I asked him how a movie was that he saw today (it was Bolt) and he said it was good. He said Bolt (the dog) was, "Cuuuuttttteeee :3". And I'm like, "Haha, is he as cute as you?"

And then he said, "I'm not cute." I'm like, "Yes you are!" And he told me something that really shocked me. "People call me ugly."

I'm like, "WTF, ARE THESE PEOPLE BLIND?!" Seriously, he is freakin' adorable. I don't see how anyone could ever say he was ugly. I guess Canadian girls don't have good taste. Well, here's the conversation.

ME: Is he as cute as you? Lmao. :3
FOD: Lol
FOD: Wow.
FOD : I'm not cute..
ME: Aw, yes you are!
FOD : No D:
ME: Yes!
FOD : I am not.
FOD : =/
ME: Yes you are! Trust me, I don't lie about things like that.
FOD: People call me ugly
ME: How could they say that?! Some people are just blind. I don't think you're ugly.
FOD : =/
FOD : Thanks, but EVERY girl in my school says I am.
ME: XP Well, those girls are ugly too. Doesn't matter if they look "pretty" on the outside. They sure do have an ugly inside. My friends say your cute too.
ME: Wait, but you're not ugly.
ME: You're cute.
FOD : K, thanks :P
FOD : Whos your friend? :P
FOD : Im playing Saturday ^^
FOD : :3
ME: Lol, my friend is Joy.
FOD : Lol ok
ME: And I'm playing Pavlove.
FOD : I dont have that song :P
ME: Okay, well, I have to go to the movie now. Hopefully I'll talk to you tonight. Bye cutie. :P
FOD : Bye, cutie :3
Natasha Smith: :) :) :)
FOD : :D

^____________^ He called me cute. God, he is so freaking adorable! During the whole movie and the rest of the time I was gone, I couldn't stop thinking about him. And I was smiling like the whole time. Hell, I'm still smiling. I wish he lived here. We'd be so perfect together. Well, I don't think I'd mind a long distance relationship, but I don't know how he'd feel about it. It's not like he lives in France or anything. We're neighboring countries at least. After high school, he could easily come down here and go to school with me (because there is NO way my mom would pay for me to go to a school in Canada). Look at me, planning ways that we could be together. I don't know... things are starting to get pretty heated! Who knows, maybe all of this will happen and we live happily ever after and have three FOB children. XD

Well, I guess that's all for now. I'll probably talk to him tomorrow, so I'll make sure to update. :)

Hahaha, see how much I'm feelin' the love?

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