Monday, December 29, 2008

~~~~~ The HOT list ~~~~~

Well, I had to do this sometime. Especially since I have nothing to rant about. Which is a good thing.

I am puting up a list of my favorite hotties from my favorite bands. It's a short list, but oh boy, are they hot! I'll go backwards.

7. Joe Trohman- Guitarist of Fall Out Boy.

He can be a hottie hot hottie, that's for sure. But he'd be higher on my list if he'd shaved and cut his hair more often. I like the Jew fro, but sometimes it gets so big that it's scary. But he's still awesome none the less, so I thought he deserved a spot on the list.

6. Billie Joe Armstrong- Lead guitarist and singer of Green Day.

I never really noticed his hotness until recently, but when I did.... wow. He is one hot guy. He's a little old, but he makes old look good. Plus, I love Green Day. So, there yah go.

5. Jon Walker- Bassist of Panic At The Disco.

Wow, he is super hot. I don't know much about him, but as far as I know, he's a decent bassist. And well, he's really really hot. I cut points off, though because he doesn't shave enough. Not a big fan of the hobo look.

4. Ryan Ross- Guitarist and back-up vocals of Panic At The Disco

This shy hottie not only makes your heart melt at first glance, he also melts your heart at the sound of his voice. On the album Pretty. Odd. , he sang in a few songs and I personally enjoyed them. He has a voice that kinda reminds me of the Beatles. But anyway, I've heard that some people don't like the guyliner look he used to have, but I disagree. He looked smexy. GET YOUR EYELINER BACK ON, RYAN! Oh, and GET YOUR EMO HAIRCUT BACK!!! :D

3. Brendon Urie- Lead guitarist and singer of Panic At The Disco
He is the other part of Rydon. His loud, outgoing personality balances Ryan's mild and shy one. Plus, he is also extremely hot. Which is why he's on this list. And don't you love it when he wears glasses? In this picture he isn't, but still.

2. Pete Wentz- Bassist, back-up vocals, and main lyrisist of Fall Out Boy.
This boy is H-O-T HOT! Not only does he run Decaydance, but he has his own clothing store, Clandenstine Industries. Now a devoted husband to Ashlee Simpson and father of a baby boy named Bronx Mowgli Wentz, he totally deserves number two on my hot list.

Who else could possibly be on this already hot list? Well, you better wear some mits because this guy is hotter than all of these guys combined!
1. Patrick Stump- Lead singer, guitarist, and main composer of Fall Out Boy
He is so hot, actually, he should be on the sexy list, but there's not too many guys I know that are sexy. With sexy sideburns and kissable lips, he totally deserves the number one spot on this list. Composer of several bands such as Gym Class Heroes and Cobra Starship, he is a very busy man but still makes time to make his own music. And not only can he sing his own songs, but he can sing R&B too because of his soulful voice. Though he is shy, he is a great performer on stage that gives it his all. Patrick is cute, adorable, hot, sexy, and beautiful all at once!

Well, that's the end of my HOT list. I hoped you enjoyed it. If you thought someone should've been added to the list, comment and tell me.

Friday, December 26, 2008

I went through three emotions in one blog entry.

I just knew it.

I should've known something would go wrong. But I was hopeful.

FOD is no more.

Why, you ask? Because he's a jackass. I don't want to go into too much detail, but basically this is what happened:

He acted like a bitch towards me because of my wife (there's a story to that, haha) writing on his wall (which made me laugh pretty hard). There was some virtual stabbing going on. Haha, I wish it was real.

So, my wife commented on one of his notes telling him that he spelled something wrong (which, he did and I would've pointed it out anyway) and called him an idiot and a loser. XD (Go wifey!)

The he called her an ugly bitch (*gasp*) and I was like, "Well, you did spell it wrong and it does make you a LOSER".

So, shortly after that, he wrote on my wall, "Deleting you..... fat ass."

Wow. How original. Pfft, like I haven't heard that before. Honestly, I'm glad he's gone because he's caused nothing but grief lately. I deleted him from Yahoo Messenger and MSN, so he's gone forever. I'm still friends with his friend, though. He's a nice guy and he was surprised that FOD said those things to me and wifey.

Haha, and this all happened shortly before Christmas. Talk about a "Merry Christmas, I could care less" moment. (Here's the song if you don't recognize it

But, I really don't want to talk about it anymore, so I'm gonna move on.

I got a ton of stuff for Christmas, but my most valued possessions out of the whole pile is my MP3 player, my Fall Out Boy hoodie, my Fall Out Boy backpack, and my Fall Out Boy calendar. Ohhhhh.... my Fall Out Boy stuff is wonderful. I'm in love with it all. In fact, I wore my hoodie today and it came in handy. I'm not usually a big fan of hoodies, but I love this one. And I can't wait until I can carry my backpack (though, the thought of school makes me cringe).

I don't want to go to school. I hate it sometimes. The day just drags by and it takes all my energy just to sit in one of those classes. I just feel emotionally and physically tired at school. Like it sucks the life out of me. I don't know...... I've just been tired a lot lately. Like I don't get enough rest. Well, I do wake up sometimes. I'm always either thirsty, or I woke up from a dream that was somehow scary to me.

Kinda reminds me of the book New Moon (from the Twilight series). Like Bella, I'm always exhausted and it's probably because I have nothing to look forward to. I don't have a boyfriend, none of my classes are even exciting, and I don't exactly have cool friends to hang out with. Because for some odd reason, a lot of people don't like me. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. I probably offend them with my hair and my largeness. Because it totally makes sense to hate someone because of their hair and body shape *said in heavily layered sarcasm*.

You see, I hate a lot of people. But I always have a good reason for it. I don't go around hating people because I don't like their hair, or I think their clothes are weird. It's just not the right thing to do. Let's say there's someone who has no friends, dresses kinda funky, and.... uh, has weird glasses (*shrugs*). I'm not gonna hate them because others are against this person for no good reason. If that person is nice to me, I'm not gonna them no matter how weird they are. Same thing with "pretty people". If a guy is attractive or I think a girl is pretty, I'm not gonna automatically like them (well, the guy I'll be interested in). If I find out that they're mean to people (or they're mean to me), then I won't like them. And I'll probably think they're ugly because in my eyes, if someone has a bad personality, the ugliness of the inside shines through. Remember, beauty is only skin deep.

I don't know what caused that rant. I just keep typing, my fingers flying away at the keys. There are two things I should be doing right now. Actually, three. I should either sleep, write my story, or read some more on New Moon. I really really really need to get on that story because I haven't written a chapter in God knows how long. It's called My Heart Is On My Sleeve (Pah, as if people even read this blog. It's being used more like a diary). It's fan fiction story about Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump (from Fall Out Boy, duh) and it's kinda like slash. Okay, it is slash. Basically, Pete and Patrick are in a relationship and there is some gay sex involved. Or a lot. But don't worry, there is some heterosexual sex too (not telling you who though). Here's the link if you want to read it. I don't think it's that bad of a read, but depends on what your preference is.

Well, I just read a comment that I got on my most recent chapter:

ooooo! i started reading your story about 2 hours ago, and i have not left my computer since!your a great writer, i love where this is going. id have to say the sex scenes are awesome :P i know, im creepy :P but anyways... *laughs* i cant wait to hear more =]

And I must say, I am extremely flattered. That is one of the best reviews I've gotten. Though, I've never gotten a bad one. It makes me happy that someone is so interested in my story that they can't even leave their computer. For a while there, I thought I was doing something wrong. Hmmm... my sex scenes are awesome, aren't they? (Just so you know, I'm talking to myself.... again) I put a lot of effort into them and they've definitly improved since my very first one (which happened in the first chapter. But I had to get the ball rolling somehow!).

I should probably go to bed before anything (or anyone) ruffles my feathers, but I must write my prize winning story now. I don't want to disappoint. :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

All smiles today!

I talked to FOD again. I've talked to him a few times actually. Everyday. :)

He is so.... amazing. I feel wonderful just talking to him. And there is definitely some flirting going on.

Haha, I'm not gonna go into great detail, but here's a little review....

Well, I know I've mentioned his video on YouTube. Well, he told me that there were people calling him gay (which is stupid). So, I went on there and basically said, "You guys are just jealous and he has lots of talent". Only with a lot more profanity. XD

And we've talked about our lives at school and such.

Yesterday, one of the guys that commented on his video, commented on his channel. He said, "How am I gay, you like FOB". Only in caveman language (yes, I translated for you). So he told me, and I went on the guys profile and called him an asshole and all that. Lol, I told him that FOB is f**king awesome and he needs to pull his head out of his ass to see that. Yeah, I'm mean. But only to the people who deserve it. I'm very protective of the people I care about.

But then the guy wrote on my channel "You're friend is gay and if he wants to start stuff with me, why doesn't he do it himself?" Or something like that. Yeah, FOD told me this which means he went onto my channel to look at it. ^___^ Which means he's been thinking about me. :D

And then for fun, reported the guy's background and profile picture. Then I went ahead and flagged a couple of his videos. And FOD was like, "You're a bad ass.... but I like it." Heehee, I am a bad ass.

After that, I asked him how a movie was that he saw today (it was Bolt) and he said it was good. He said Bolt (the dog) was, "Cuuuuttttteeee :3". And I'm like, "Haha, is he as cute as you?"

And then he said, "I'm not cute." I'm like, "Yes you are!" And he told me something that really shocked me. "People call me ugly."

I'm like, "WTF, ARE THESE PEOPLE BLIND?!" Seriously, he is freakin' adorable. I don't see how anyone could ever say he was ugly. I guess Canadian girls don't have good taste. Well, here's the conversation.

ME: Is he as cute as you? Lmao. :3
FOD: Lol
FOD: Wow.
FOD : I'm not cute..
ME: Aw, yes you are!
FOD : No D:
ME: Yes!
FOD : I am not.
FOD : =/
ME: Yes you are! Trust me, I don't lie about things like that.
FOD: People call me ugly
ME: How could they say that?! Some people are just blind. I don't think you're ugly.
FOD : =/
FOD : Thanks, but EVERY girl in my school says I am.
ME: XP Well, those girls are ugly too. Doesn't matter if they look "pretty" on the outside. They sure do have an ugly inside. My friends say your cute too.
ME: Wait, but you're not ugly.
ME: You're cute.
FOD : K, thanks :P
FOD : Whos your friend? :P
FOD : Im playing Saturday ^^
FOD : :3
ME: Lol, my friend is Joy.
FOD : Lol ok
ME: And I'm playing Pavlove.
FOD : I dont have that song :P
ME: Okay, well, I have to go to the movie now. Hopefully I'll talk to you tonight. Bye cutie. :P
FOD : Bye, cutie :3
Natasha Smith: :) :) :)
FOD : :D

^____________^ He called me cute. God, he is so freaking adorable! During the whole movie and the rest of the time I was gone, I couldn't stop thinking about him. And I was smiling like the whole time. Hell, I'm still smiling. I wish he lived here. We'd be so perfect together. Well, I don't think I'd mind a long distance relationship, but I don't know how he'd feel about it. It's not like he lives in France or anything. We're neighboring countries at least. After high school, he could easily come down here and go to school with me (because there is NO way my mom would pay for me to go to a school in Canada). Look at me, planning ways that we could be together. I don't know... things are starting to get pretty heated! Who knows, maybe all of this will happen and we live happily ever after and have three FOB children. XD

Well, I guess that's all for now. I'll probably talk to him tomorrow, so I'll make sure to update. :)

Hahaha, see how much I'm feelin' the love?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A bunch of bad things... but there was ONE good thing... a VERY good thing.

I had a concert today. And it was the most attended concert of the year (for West, anyway). And it was utter shit balls.

Okay, so it wasn't terrible by any means. Everyone else was good. The jazz band did well, and the Singers did awesome. But there were some... well, not so good parts.

First off, most of the choirs didn't do so great. I mean, some of them are pretty tone deaf. But that one group in particular did awesome.

The other band.... ugh! It was soooo long and soooo boring. The whole freaking song was 12 minutes and it took them like five minutes to warm up. Who needs a five freaking minute warm up? Yeah... our orchestra group did that BEFORE the concert. Because we're smart like that. It would have been one thing if the song was actually good, but it wasn't exciting at all. It would have been a good lullaby... but I could see the whole audience just drooping in their seats. Well done band, well done. Thanks for warming them up for us.

And now for our part. We played two songs at once, then we did another song with the band, the choirs, and the other orchestra. On our first song, today in class, at the last minute, our teacher decided to take out TEN measures so we could "play it safe". Well, that didn't work out very well. I ended up missing part of the song because in my opinion, taking out those ten measures made the song sound like crap. So, second song. My shoulder rest decides to break during the middle of it (again) and I had to keep it in between me and the violin so it wouldn't fall. So, already I was pretty pissed about the whole thing. And then my friend ended up sitting somewhere else so I had to sit next to a stranger and someone I don't even like that much!

And the final song. Hallelujah Chorus. The one where every single person plays or sings. I got on that stage and I was so confused. Everyone was running around and I didn't know where to go. And this guy that I don't even KNOW started yelling at me to move the chairs. I swear, I would have moved the chairs.... right up his ass! But all I did was yell at him to not yell at me and then turned around. So, during the song, I couldn't even hear myself play because of all the stupid band people blasting in my ear and I was so cramped up anyway that I could barely move my bow.... ugh, I was just pissed off at the whole thing. I was just glad to get it over with.

Okay, there was ONE good thing about the concert. You see, there is this guy (and yes, you can say, "Oh lord, not another boy"). And I've seen him around school a lot. He's in one of the choirs and it doesn't look like he has tons of friends (not saying that he has none though). I saw him in the concert today. And when he got up on stage, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He's just so... I don't know, beautiful, I guess. I don't know how to explain it. I usually don't fall for looks or anything that easily. It's usually personality then looks. That's how my 'crushes' develop, anyway. But I don't know how to explain it. He's just very... very... beautiful. He has this perfect glowing skin and chocolate brown hair and beautiful crystal blue eyes. Not to mention his nice full rosy lips.

He sounds perfect, right? Well, there is just one little perfection. It doesn't phase me at all, but it may be kind of shocking. He kinda... walks a little different. Like one side of him is partially paralyzed or something. He kinda walks with a limp. He gets around well and everything. I've been watching. It's just so weird that someone so perfect could have that kind of imperfection. Like God made him look the most perfect he could be and then gave him that condition just so he could see if anyone would mess with him. I'm just so... facinated with him. I've had crushes, but I've never felt... facinated in them. Like Patrick Stump, I admire him. But I don't see him as this science experiment (bad example, but you get the point) like I do with this guy. It's a shame that I don't even know his name.

I would love to talk to him. I don't think I've really heard his voice. All I know is that it has to be fairly deep to be singing the way he did in the concert. You know, I'm surprised that something like that doesn't turn me off of him. I didn't think I'd ever really want to be with someone who had a condition. I guess there's something special about him.

Well, it's late and I really need to go to bed. More finals, woo! *said sarcastically*

But I'm sure you'll hear more about this guy. I'll let you know when I see him again. I hope it's tomorrow. :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Natasha is insanely.... in love?!?!

Very troubling title, don't you think?

Relax, I'm not REALLY in love.... I don't think. Especially since I've only really started talking to him today. I guess I could kinda tell you what's going on... with my 'love' (enphases on the quotations) life.

You see, I meet a lot of friends on Patrick's profile. Fall Out Boy fans (especially Patrick Stump fans) get along together really well. So, I've made some good friends. And there's this guy... the only guy in the whole group of friends I've made. I'm not gonna use real names, so I guess I'll call him.... FOD (Fall Out Dude).

FOD is.... he's cool. Okay, he's awesome. I saw him on Patrick's wall (after seeing a video he made) and I decided to add him. He accepted and everything was cool.

One day, I was extremely pissed off at fucktards on YouTube that keep saying stupid things about FOB, so I wrote this as my facebook status: If you have ever said anything bad about FOB to a FOB fan, please take a sticker labled 'Dumbass' and stick it to your forehead.

And he commented and said, "Agreed".

Enough about that... let's talk about today. So, I commented on Patrick's status and FOD commented on it too. And we did that back and forth for a while, and then he just started talking to me through FB chat. And we talked a little and then he asked me if I had MSN (I guess his FB chat was messed up). I told him that I had a Yahoo Messenger and then he asked if he could add me. Of course, I said yes.

Now we're talking on YM. We talked about Fall Out Boy, and how Patrick was a great man (though he made it clear that he wasn't gay, lol). And then I found out that he was in a band called Toxic Muffins (odd name, but it works). And apparently he sings really good. Plus, I've heard him play guitar. He's good.

Then things got a little... flirty, I guess. He said that some people say that he looks somewhat like Patrick (though he really doesn't all that much). And I said that his lips were kinda like Patrick's. He's like, "So... you say I have lips like Patrick? :P"

I told him that he did and he's like, "His lips... are so... juicy."

He was joking around, and it did make me laugh.

And we talked some more about FOB...

And here's the last few words we said before he went went to bed:

FOD: I think im gonna go to bed now... goodnight

Me: Okay, good night. Dream of FOB, lol.

FOD: OMFG. Time to do homework.. >_>

FOD: Then maybe I will dream of FOB

FOD: Meeting them would be nice.

Me: Yes, and you will dream of kissing Patrick... oh, wait, that's me.

Me: But it could be you too. (A/N: And I totally meant him and Patrick.)

FOD: Lol...

FOD: Wait.. are you saying me kissing patrick or me kissing you? Lmao

FOD: Im confused

Me: Hmmm... both.

FOD: Lol ok

FOD: I will talk to you tomorrow I guess.

FOD: Night.

Me: Night.

Wow, do you not sense flirtatiousness (If you don't, lie to me and say you do)? He's just so.... nice. And he loves FOB just as much as I do. Plus, I went to his YouTube account, and he's apparently a computer nerd (hey, I'm one of those!). He's like perfect (besides Patrick, of course. Patrick will always be number one). And he's my age! What could be more perfect? Just simply wonderful....

Oh, did I mention that he lives in Canada?

Yeah, I suppose that something like that could be a big problem... but there are people out there who got hooked up by the internet. I read this one article in a magazine about a girl meeting her husband on Myspace. And I guess they lived far away from each other. So, why can't this work? I mean, we're at least neighboring countries.... oh, who am I kidding? The chances of getting with him are like the chances of me getting Patrick. Near to impossible.

I guess I shouldn't think about it, but I know that's all I'll think about tonight in bed. Speaking of bed.... it's speaking to me. And it's saying "Natasha, get your ass in bed and get some sleep!"

I better go do what it says... bye everyone.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I guess I'm not that insane today...


Oh, crap. I have a feeling that I won't do well in the biology section. Actually, I know I won't because biology doesn't like me. But, at least I know I'll do well in orchestra. Yes, there is a final for orchestra. How insane is that? Yes, more insane than me.

<<<< Hehehe, Patrick. Look how cute he looks with his backpack. ^___^

But anyway.... I guess I don't really want to talk about finals. They make me nervous. So, let's talk about....

Do I really have anything to rant about today?

I don't know.... I suppose I could talk about Patrick, though I'm not ranting about him. He is a wonderful person to talk about. And very wonderful person to talk to. He's such a sweetie. I just wish I knew his phone number... anyone have it?

Oh, wait, damn. He changed it so I doubt anyone would know. I just want to ask him so many things. What he does for fun, what does he like to eat (besides pumpkin squares and sushi), where does he go to think.... I want to ask him everything under the sun. Hmm... I also wonder if he's good in bed.... hehehehe, probably is an animal in bed. Because he's a sexy BEAST! (Am I using dots too often? I like using them, so if I am using them too much, get over it.)

Oh! I know what I could rant about. I just thought of something.

Why do people hate Fall Out Boy so much? What's wrong with their music? Honestly, the people that say "Fall Out Boy is gay" obviously question their own sexuality. Yes, Pete is bisexual, but he has a wife and a kid, so does it really matter? But as for the rest of the band, they're all straight. So, why can't people get that into their head? I don't understand why they can't respect them. They have worked so hard to get to where they're at and they are just as deserving of the fame as any other band. Yeah, girls listen to FOB mostly, but since when was a bunch of girls grabbing and screaming at them a bad thing? Yeah, Slipknot has mostly male fans, so I guess a bunch of guys are grabbing at them, haha. (No offense to Slipknot because I think they're an okay band).

Here is the most annoying thing anyone can say (besides FOB is gay, of course): "I like their old stuff better. They've changed. So, they suck now."

Uhhhh.... yeah, they changed, so what? If they were true FOB fans, they would've stuck with them like me and millions of other fans have. I personally think Folie A Deux is their best album (with From Under The Cork Tree in close second) yet. The songs are so catchy and I love the hip hop influence in some of the songs. Yeah, Evening Out With Your Girlfriend was good, but it wasn't my favorite. I love anything they make (including all the covers Patrick has done!) and I will always be a true FOB fan.

Look, Patrick has so many talents, it blows me away. He is a fantastic (and I mean FAN-FRICKIN-TASTIC) singer, he plays the guitar, drums, bass, piano, trombone, and trumpet, he is a wonderful composer, he's been on numerous hip hop records.... I could go on and on about this man. Even if I didn't think he was hot, I would still adore him. He's practically my hero. I mean, he came from a town outside of Chicago (being a cute little nerd), to a nationally known band. Simply amazing. And can you believe he's only had like two girlfriends?! If I were those girls in his high school, I'd be jumping at the chance to get with him! Trust me, I've seen some of his high school pictures and he was A-DOOR-AHH-BLE.

Not only is he talented, but he's so humble! He doesn't go on about how hot he is (even though he is), and how talented he is (even though he is). He sometimes talks down on himself saying that he's fat, short, and balding. One, he's not fat, he's cuddle size. Two, he's fun sized. And three, pretty much every guy goes bald sometime, he just went a little early. And he's so funny too. I laugh at everything he says. He has humor similar to mine, which is funny. We do have somethings in common. We also are pro-Obama. And we like pumpkin squares. ^__^

Here's all of that writing in one sentence: Patrick Stump is the best thing to ever happen to this world and he's the best thing to ever happen to my life.

Well, I guess that's it. I'll be back tomorrow probably.

Peace, love, and Patrick.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ugh, I'm going insane, I swear I am.

Okay, I was on facebook yesterday (as usual) and I decided to message Patrick Stump. A girl on there posted on his wall asking him if he was the real Patrick. So, since I already knew that he doesn't really answer wall posts, I asked him through a message. And then I rambled on about how I wanted to know for sure and to just tell the truth. Plus, I asked him how people got his phone number.

I went to go to the bathroom, and when I came back, there was a message. And of course, I was extremely excited. He said something along the lines of "Yes, I am. And I have no clue how people got my number, so that's why I changed it." Well, something like that anyway. I could post the conversation, but that would take too much effort.

I didn't want him to go yet since I finally got him to answer, so I sent a message as quickly as I could. I didn't really know what to ask him, so of all the things I could've asked, I asked him, "How does your mom make those pumpkin squares?"

Out of all the million questions I could've asked him, I asked him about the pumpkin squares. *bangs head against the wall* What was I thinking? I have no clue. But it was something I was wondering.

Anyway.... he answered back saying that it was kinda hard to explain and he kinda compaired it to a very moist brownie. Well, we kinda messaged back a few more times before he made that comparison, but I'm trying to make this short.

Then he asked me (and this is where I began to go insane) if I had a twitter. He wanted to get one because Pete, Joe, and Andy all had one and they use it to update with fans. Well, I didn't but I told him that I would get one so I could help him.

Okay, so I get one. The first thing that happened was they wouldn't put falloutboyrox728 like I usually do. So I'm like "Okay... I guess I can put patrickstumpswife728 like my YouTube account." Tried to do that, but both of them were too long! So, I stuck with patrickstump728.

Then, when I tried to upload my picture from facebook onto there, it wouldn't let me because the picture was 'too big'. So, I had to put a picture of Patrick on there.

So, I was already fed up with it, but when I tried to find friends, the damned thing would only let me get people through my Yahoo account.

But I guess it's worth going through all this. Now I can tell Patrick to not bother because it's confusing and pointless. Facebook is sooo much better.

Well, I guess I'm done ranting now. I have to go to bed sometime because I have to get up at 9:00 (UGHHH, and on my Sunday too!) and cook FOUR different types of cookies with *shudders* grandma.

I'll be back.... I kind of like ranting.
Oh, and I know you like the sexy picture up at the top because everyone needs a dose of Stumpy. ^___^